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Royal Navy Engagement Team Visit
On Tuesday night we had the privilege of welcoming the Royal Navy Engagement Team to our unit. 🌟 They delivered a fantastic presentation to our cadets, shedding light on the exciting opportunities and life within the Royal Navy and Royal Marines🚢⚓️ Following the presentation, our cadets engaged in some thrilling team-building activities, further reinforcing the…

Poppy Appeal Update
🌺 Poppy Appeal Update 🌺 Yesterday marked our final day of poppy selling at Wolverton Tesco! A huge thank you and well done to all the dedicated cadets and staff who volunteered their time and energy to make this happen. Your hard work and commitment have made a real difference. Thank you to everyone who…

2024 June Divisions
2024-07-06 06:34:09Catching up on the last few weeks! 🌟 On 28th June, we had another round of divisions. While many of our cadets were down at the lake preparing for the upcoming regattas, those who turned out looked incredibly smart. We were also able to hand out a number of well-deserved qualifications. Bravo Zulu to…

*NEW* Trafalgar Day Parade: London 20/10/24.
*NEW* Trafalgar Day Parade: London 20/10/24. Original Source: Facebook Post

Another Busy Night for Our Cadets!We had a fantastic evening filled with well…
Another Busy Night for Our Cadets! ✨ We had a fantastic evening filled with well-deserved promotions and badges being awarded. A huge congratulations to all our cadets for their dedication and hard work! 🙌 Bravo Zulu (BZ) to the following cadets: BZ to the following cadets who collected their 100% Attendance Certificates over the last…

A big thank you to thecentre:mk for the branded RBL stands, they look amazing! T…
A big thank you to thecentre:mk for the branded RBL stands, they look amazing! The wonderful Mark Pickering has done a great job with the display of poppies. Whilst you’re having a browse in the shops, please pop over to the stand to have a quick chit chat with our fab volunteers 🙂 Royal British……